function ub_render_icon_block($attributes, $block_content, $block_instance){ $attrs = $block_instance->parsed_block['attrs']; if(!empty($attrs['margin'])){ $block_content = str_replace('class="wp-block-ub-icon', 'class="wp-block-ub-icon has-ub-icon-margin', $block_content); } if(!empty($attrs['padding'])){ $block_content = str_replace('class="wp-block-ub-icon', 'class="wp-block-ub-icon has-ub-icon-padding', $block_content); } return $block_content; } /** * Register icon. * @return void */ function register_icon_block() { if ( function_exists( 'register_block_type_from_metadata' ) ) { require( trailingslashit( ULTIMATE_BLOCKS_PATH ) . 'src/defaults.php' ); $block_type_id = 'ub/icon'; register_block_type_from_metadata( dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/dist/blocks/icon', [ 'attributes' => $defaultValues[ $block_type_id ]['attributes'], 'render_callback' => 'ub_render_icon_block' ] ); } } add_action( 'init', 'register_icon_block', 10, 1 ); TEACH - Hindi
Mastering the Art of Saving: Strategies to Bolster Your Finances

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